
Russian Federation


Moscow Kremlin

June 9, 2010

N 690


Presidential Decree

Russian Federation

dated June 9, 2010 N 690




I. Introduction

1. The need to adopt the Strategy of the state anti-drug policy of the Russian Federation until 2020 (hereinafter - the Strategy) is due to the dynamics of changes occurring in Russia and in the world, the emergence of new challenges and threats associated primarily with the intensification of transnational crime, increased terrorism, extremism, new types of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (hereinafter referred to as drugs), increasing negative trends, such as a steady decline in the population of Russia, while including reducing the number of young working population due to the expansion of illegal drug distribution scale.

Strategy The national security of the Russian Federation until 2020, approved by the President of the Russian Federation on May 12, 2009, is one of the sources of threats to the national security of the activities of transnational criminal groups and organizations related to drug trafficking and their precursors .

2. Modern The drug situation in the Russian Federation is characterized by the expansion of illicit trafficking and non-medical use of highly concentrated drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, amphetamine- type stimulants , drugs that have psychotropic effects, as well as their impact on the spread of HIV, viral hepatitis, which is a serious security threat state, national economy and the health of its population.

A key factor in the negative development of the drug situation in the Russian Federation is the large-scale production of opiates in Afghanistan and their subsequent transnational traffic to Russia.

In a number of Russian regions, there has been an increase in the distribution of drugs made from local plant materials and medicines containing narcotic drugs and being on the market, new types of psychoactive substances are emerging , contributing to the formation of dependent behaviors.

The effectiveness of state anti-drug policy is negatively affected by the lack of a state system for monitoring the development of the drug situation .

Preventive activities, medical assistance and medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts are not sufficiently well organized . The potential of public associations and religious organizations is underutilized.

It is necessary to adopt comprehensive and balanced measures that would not only significantly reduce non-medical drug use and the consequences of their consumption, but also contribute to the destruction of financial, organizational, informational and other drug dealership networks.

II. General provisions

3. The strategy is developed in accordance with Constitution The Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law in the field of combating illicit drug trafficking and their precursors , taking into account domestic and foreign experience. The strategy defines the goal, principles, main directions and tasks of the state anti-drug policy of the Russian Federation.

In the Strategy, the relevant provisions of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation up to 2020 and the Concept of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 aredeveloped and concretized with reference to the sphere of anti-drug activities.

4. The general goal of the Strategy is to significantly reduce the illicit distribution and non-medical use of drugs, the extent of the consequences of their illicit trafficking for the safety and health of individuals, society and the state.

Decisions and measures taken by public authorities in the fight against drug trafficking and their precursors are based on the principles of legality, respect for the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens, openness, concreteness, consistency, comprehensiveness, proactive influence, ensuring equality of all before the law and the inevitability of responsibility , community support, the inadmissibility of the use in the Russian Federation of substitution methods of treating drug addicts with the use of narcotic drugs in and psychotropic substances brought in lists I and II the list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation, approved by Government Decree of June 30, 1998 N 681 (hereinafter referred to as the list of narcotic drugs), as well as legalizing the consumption of certain drugs for non-medical purposes.

5. The achievement of the general objective of the Strategy is carried out on the basis of a balanced and reasonable combination of measures in the following areas:

a) reducing the supply of drugs by deliberately curbing their illegal production and trafficking within the country, countering drug aggression ;

b) reducing the demand for drugs by improving the system of preventive, curative and rehabilitation work;

c) development and strengthening of international cooperation in the field of drug control.

6. The main strategic objectives:

a) development and implementation of the state system for monitoring the drug situation in the Russian Federation;

b) the creation and implementation of a nationwide set of measures to curb the illicit distribution of drugs and their precursors in the territory of the Russian Federation;

c) development of measures to counter drug trafficking in the territory of the Russian Federation, adequate to the existing threat of drugs ;

d) ensuring reliable state control over the legal circulation of drugs and their precursors ;

e ) the creation of a state system for the prevention of non-medical drug use with the priority of primary prevention measures

f) improvement of the system of drug treatment for drug addicts and their rehabilitation;

g) improving the organizational, regulatory and resource support for anti-drug activities.

7. The state anti-drug policy is a system of strategic priorities and measures, as well as the activities of federal government bodies, the State anti-drug committee, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, anti-drug commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities, aimed at preventing, detecting and suppressing illicit trafficking in drugs and precursors, prevention of non-medical drug use, treatment and rehabilitate litatsiyu drug addicts.

The strategy of the state anti-drug policy is the officially adopted main directions of the state policy, defining measures, organizing and coordinating the activities of federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments in the field of drug trafficking and their precursors and countering their illicit trafficking.

8. Anti -drug activities - the activities of the federal bodies of state power, the State Anti-Drug Committee, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the anti-drug commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the local governments on the implementation of the state anti-drug policy.

The leadership of anti-drug activities is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation.

9. Subjects of anti-drug activities are:

a) The State Anti-Drug Committee, which coordinates the activities of federal executive bodies and anti-drug commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as organizes their interaction with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, public associations and organizations for the implementation of state anti-drug policy;

b) anti-drug commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in municipalities, ensuring coordination of the activities of territorial bodies of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, as well as organizing their interaction with public associations for the prevention of non-medical use of drugs and countering them illegal traffic within the framework of its authority;

c) Federal service The Russian Federation on the control of drug trafficking, ensuring the implementation of functions for the implementation of state anti-drug policy, legal regulation, control and supervision in the field of drug trafficking and their precursors , as well as in the area of ​​countering their illicit trafficking;

d) the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, which is responsible for formulating state policy and legal regulation in the field of organizing medical prevention, medical care and medical rehabilitation for people who use drugs and drug addicts, as well as in the field of pharmaceutical activity, including issues of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors ;

e ) other federal executive bodies ensuring the implementation of the functions of countering illicit drug trafficking and their precursors , as well as measures to prevent non-medical use of drugs within the powers granted to them by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation;

f) top officials (heads of the highest executive bodies of state power) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, carrying out, within the framework of their authority, the management of anti-drug activities on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

g) the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation ensuring the implementation of the state anti-drug policy in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

h ) local governments, within their competence, organizing execution legislation The Russian Federation on narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and on their precursors .

10. Public associations and religious organizations have the right to participate in the prevention of non-medical drug use and the rehabilitation of people who use drugs.

11. The objects of anti-drug activities are:

a) the population of the country, primarily children, adolescents, young people and their families, especially those at risk of engaging in drug trafficking and their precursors , as well as people who use drugs for non-medical purposes, and their families; drug addicts in need of treatment and rehabilitation, and their families; employees of certain types of professional activities and activities related to sources of increased danger;

b) organizations and institutions involved in the legal trafficking of drugs and their precursors ;

c) organized criminal groups and communities involved in the illicit trafficking of drugs and their precursors .

III. Improving the system of measures to reduce drug deals

12. The main content of the system of measures to reduce the supply of drugs in illicit trafficking are coordinated actions of an organizational, law enforcement, regulatory and international nature taken by federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation engaged in countering illicit drug trafficking and their precursors , with coordinating role of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation aimed at combating illegal import of drugs from abroad, as well as their illegal production, transportation and distribution in the country.

The main strategic threats in this area are smuggling of Afghan opiates and cannabinoids from Central Asian countries, synthetic drugs from Western and Eastern Europe, cocaine from Latin American countries, trafficking in chemicals (precursors ) used in drug production, the use of domestic raw materials base. illicit drug production, the expansion of non-medical means of consumption, containing psychoactive substances, in respect of which control measures are not tired Lena.

13. The strategic objectives of the state anti-drug policy in the field of drug supply reduction in illicit trafficking are:

a) the creation of an effective system of protection of the territory of the Russian Federation from the illegal importation of drugs from abroad;

b) destruction of the infrastructure of illegal production, transportation and distribution of drugs within the country;

c) the elimination of the raw material base of illegal drug production in the Russian Federation;

d) prevention of the flow of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors , as well as potent substances from the legal into illicit trafficking;

e ) undermining the economic foundations of drug-related crime ;

f) suppression of criminal ties with the international drug business;

g) the destruction of corrupt ties that contribute to the illicit trafficking of drugs and their precursors ;

h) suppression of turnover of new types of drugs, as well as uncontrolled psychoactive drugs and substances used for non-medical use.

14. The system of protection of the territory of the Russian Federation from the smuggling of drugs from abroad means a set of measures aimed at :

a) strengthening the border regime through the organizational, technical and administrative-legal regulation;

b) expanding, through international cooperation, the possibilities for curbing the cultivation of narcotic plants and the production of drugs in Afghanistan and drug trafficking in transit countries.

15. Reducing the supply of drugs in illicit trafficking is carried out using the economic capacity of the state, allocating for this purpose a sufficient amount of financial, material and other resources, including resource support for government agencies involved in countering illicit drug trafficking and their precursors , by developing a system of their technical equipment.

Organizational measures to reduce the supply of drugs

16. When implementing measures to reduce the supply of drugs in illicit trafficking, the Russian Federation proceeds from the need to continuously improve law enforcement measures to curb the activities of organized criminal groups (criminal communities) operating in the sphere of illicit drug trafficking and their precursors .

In order to ensure a reduction in the supply of drugs in illicit trafficking, the integrated development and improvement of the activities of government bodies engaged in countering illicit drug trafficking and their precursors areensured .

Measures are being taken to strengthen social guarantees for employees of state authorities engaged in anti-drug activities.

The Russian Federation provides scientific and technical support to law enforcement and anti-drug activities, equipping state bodies that combat drug trafficking and their precursors with special means and equipment.

A program of measures is being developed to create and develop a system of professional training in the field of anti-drug activities.

Cooperation of law enforcement and other government agencies with citizens and civil society institutions is provided to assist law enforcement agencies in countering illicit drug trafficking and their precursors , identifying the habitats of wild narcotic plants and the facts of their illegal cultivation, identifying and suppressing corrupt ties contributing to illicit drug trafficking and their precursors .

Law enforcement measures to reduce drug deals

17. In order to curb the smuggling of drugs into the territory of the Russian Federation, the development of a system for combating organized drug crime is ensured .

To solve the problems of illicit drug production and transportation infrastructure destruction and their precursors , networks narkorasprostraneniya on the territory of the Russian Federation formed the plan of law enforcement action, in cooperation with public bodies engaged in combating illicit trafficking of drugs and their precursors .

18. The reduction of drug pressure in the Russian Federation is ensured by the development of a system of measures that includes:

a) increase the effectiveness of international cooperation instruments;

b) enhancing the effectiveness of border control, including through the development of cooperation between law enforcement agencies of states participating in anti-drug activities;

c) strengthening the border regime.

19. The participation of the Russian Federation in the implementation of measures to strengthen the “security belts” around Afghanistan with a view to curbing the importation of opiates is being ensured.

There are coordinated interstate preventive and operational-search measures to identify and eliminate the channels of international drug trafficking .

Solving the tasks of ensuring anti-narcotic security is achieved by strengthening the state border of the Russian Federation and the borders of the customs union, increasing their technical equipment, creating and improving control mechanisms for cargo transported across the customs border of the Russian Federation.

In order to prevent the illegal importation of drugs into the Russian Federation, a system of measures of state control over foreign citizens (stateless persons) arriving in the Russian Federation (on its territory), especially from drug-prone regions of the world, is being improved .

Targeted measures are taken to ensure overall safety in marine areas. A system of control measures is being created for the maritime freight and passenger transport infrastructure .

Measures are being taken to identify new types of psychoactive substances in order to classify them and address the issue of listing on I , II and III list of drugs. 

Measures are being taken to curb illicit drug trafficking in places of cultural and leisure activities.

20. The security of legal drug trafficking in the Russian Federation is ensured by improving the state mechanism for monitoring its implementation, especially for the trafficking of precursors .

A system of measures is being developed to ensure the development and production of new drugs containing drugs (in oil forms, patches and others), the extraction of which is not readily available and the use of which for non-medical purposes is difficult.

In solving the problems of the destruction of existing in the Russian Federation, the raw material base of illicit drug production improved system for identifying illicit crops and the centers of growth of wild narcotic plants, developed scientific methods of applying chemicals to destroy narcotic plants, as well as reducing the content of psychoactive substances.

Improving the regulatory framework for reductions

drug deals

21. The Russian Federation is implementing measures aimed at improving legislation in the field of drug trafficking and their precursors and in the area of countering their illicit trafficking in order to protect the health of citizens, state and public safety. 

The implementation of these measures ensures the implementation of best international regulatory practices.

In order to reduce the supply of drugs, tightening of administrative responsibility for illegal drug use, criminalization of crimes related to drug trafficking and their precursors , including the sale of drugs in correctional institutions, as well as in institutions or places used for training, is provided. sports, cultural, entertainment and other public events.

The Russian Federation provides for the adoption of measures aimed at stimulating social activity in informing public authorities that are engaged in countering illicit drug trafficking and their precursors about the facts of their illicit trafficking.

Systemic measures are being taken to improve the conditions for the activities of state bodies that are combating illicit drug trafficking and their precursors , to undermine the economic foundations of drug crime .

IV. Improving the system of measures

drug demand reduction

22. The system of measures to reduce the demand for drugs, aimed at improving the population of the Russian Federation by reducing the consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and reducing the adverse social consequences of their use, is based on the priority of preventive measures of a public, administrative and medical nature and includes:

a) the state system for the prevention of non-medical drug use;

b) drug treatment;

c) medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts.

23. The main threats in this area are:

a) the widespread tolerance of non-medical drug use in society;

b) an increase in the number of people involved in non-medical drug use;

c) insufficient effectiveness of the organization of the provision of narcological medical, pedagogical, psychological and social assistance to patients with drug addiction;

d) a reduction in the number of specialized drug treatment medical institutions, a low number of drug rehabilitation centers (departments) in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as an insufficient number of medical psychologists, social work specialists, social workers and other personnel involved in the implementation of medical and social rehabilitation;

e ) insufficient access to medical and social rehabilitation for drug addicts;

f) an increase in the number of people who have undergone treatment, rehabilitation, and again returned to non-medical use of drugs;

g) the shift of personal orientations towards consumer values;

h ) not wide enough to provide youth employment with a range of proposals on the labor market;

i) weak organization of leisure for children, teenagers and young people.

State prevention system

non-medical drug use

24. The state system for the prevention of non-medical drug use is a set of political, economic, legal, social, medical, educational, cultural, physical, sports and other measures aimed at preventing the occurrence and spread of non-medical drug use and drug addiction.

The strategic goal of the prevention of non-medical drug use is to reduce the scale of non-medical use of drugs, to form a negative attitude towards illicit trafficking and use of drugs and to significantly reduce the demand for them.

25. The achievement of this goal is carried out by solving the following main tasks:

a) formation of negative attitudes in society towards non-medical use of drugs, including through active anti - drug propaganda and countering activities to promote and illicit advertising of drugs and other psychoactive substances, raising public awareness about the negative consequences of non-medical use of drugs and responsibility for participation in their illegal trafficking, conducting a competent information policy in the media;

b) organizing and conducting preventive measures with risk groups for non-medical drug use;

c) the organization of preventive work in organized (labor and educational) teams;

d) development of a system for the early detection of illegal drug users, in particular through annual medical examinations;

e ) creating conditions for the involvement of citizens in anti-drug activities, the formation, promotion of development and government support for the activities of the volunteer youth anti-drug movement, public anti-drug associations and organizations involved in drug abuse prevention;

f) the formation of personal responsibility for their behavior, resulting in reduced demand for drugs;

g) the formation of psychological immunity to drug use in children of school age, their parents and teachers.

26. Government agencies at all levels, local governments, public associations and religious organizations, citizens, including specialists from educational, medical, cultural and educational institutions, and volunteers of youth organizations are involved in shaping the system for preventing non-medical use of drugs.

Measures to prevent non-medical drug use are intended for all categories of the population, primarily for children and young people who are in adverse family, social conditions, in difficult life situations, as well as for people at risk of non-medical drug use.

27. One of the preferred areas of anti-drug activity is the inclusion in the main and additional educational programs of general educational institutions and vocational education institutions sections on the prevention of substance abuse , as well as programs aimed at relevant target audiences (hereinafter referred to as targeted programs). At the same time, the implementation of targeted programs should cover the following age and social groups:

a) children and adolescents under the age of 17 years inclusive (students, pupils of educational institutions and convicts in educational colonies of the penitentiary system of Russia);

b) young people up to 30 years old inclusive;

c) the working population;

d) draftees and military personnel.

28. When conducting preventive measures, preference should be given to a combination of individual and group methods of work, as well as methods of direct and indirect (indirect) impact on people at risk of non-medical use of drugs, development and disclosure of psyche and personality resources, support of a young person and help self-fulfillment of their own life purpose.

It is also necessary to develop mechanisms for social partnership between state structures and Russian companies and corporations, public associations and organizations during anti-drug preventive measures .

Narcological medical care

29. The provision of narcological medical care to people who tolerate non-medical use of drugs is carried out in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of public health. 

30. The current state of the system of drug treatment is determined by:

a) insufficient effectiveness of narcological medical care;

b) reducing the number of specialized state narcological medical institutions and the deterioration of their staffing;

c) the lack of financial and technical support of narcological medical care.

31. The strategic goal of the state policy in the field of development of narcological medical care is the timely detection and treatment of people who illegally use drugs, the improvement of narcological medical care for drug addicts, the improvement of its availability and quality, and the reduction of mortality.

32. The main activities to improve the effectiveness and development of drug treatment:

a) preparation and approval of the procedure for the provision of narcological medical care and standards for the provision of narcological medical care; 

b) improving the fundamentals of legislative, economic and other support for the organization of mandatory forms of medical care for drug addicts, including the issues of interagency cooperation and its information support;

c) the formation of the state program of scientific research in the field of narcology;

d) prevention of the use in the Russian Federation of substitution methods for the treatment of drug addiction with the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances listed in I and II list of drugs, as well as the legalization of the use of certain drugs for non-medical purposes; 

e ) improvement of methods for the diagnosis of drug addiction, examination, treatment of patients with drug addiction;

f) regular training of specialists in the field of drug abuse treatment, raising the level of awareness of primary healthcare specialists on the organization of drug treatment delivery;

g) improvement of financial support for the activities of specialized state narcological institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, narcological units of medical institutions of municipal formations at the expense of budgets of all levels;

h ) adoption of measures to strengthen social guarantees for the staff of the narcological service.

Rehabilitation of drug addicts

33. Rehabilitation of drug addicts is defined as a set of medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal and social measures aimed at restoring physical, mental, spiritual and social health, ability to function in society ( reintegration ) without using drugs.

34. The current state of the rehabilitation system for drug addicts is determined by:

a) the imperfection of the regulatory framework for the rehabilitation of drug addicts;

b) inadequate funding for the rehabilitation unit of drug abuse treatment at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

c) a small number of drug rehabilitation centers, as well as rehabilitation departments in the structure of existing drug treatment facilities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the low level of staffing;

d) weak development of the system of motivation of persons allowing non-medical use of drugs to participate in rehabilitation programs, as well as a mechanism for selecting participants for inclusion in rehabilitation programs;

e ) insufficient efficiency of medical and social measures ensuring the restoration of socially significant resources of the personality of a patient with drug addiction and its further socialization in society;

f) the lack of conditions for social and labor reintegration of participants in rehabilitation programs.

35. The strategic goal of the state policy in the rehabilitation of drug addicts is the formation of a multi-level system that ensures access to effective rehabilitation programs for people with drug addiction, restoration of their social and social status, improvement of quality and increase in life expectancy of drug addicts.

36. The main directions of development of medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts in the Russian Federation are:

a) the organization of drug rehabilitation centers (departments) in the subjects of the Russian Federation;

b) financing of narcological dispensaries and other specialized narcological institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to organize the activities of narcological rehabilitation units;

c) strengthening the staff of drug rehabilitation centers (departments) and units in order to ensure the brigade form of work with drug addicts;

d) systematic training and retraining of specialists (psychiatrists, narcologists, psychotherapists, medical psychologists, social workers, social work specialists) on the issues of medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts;

e ) increasing the availability of medical and social rehabilitation for drug addicts, as well as for people who have applied for medical assistance with harmful consequences;

f) organization of the system of training and employment of drug addicts who have undergone medical and social rehabilitation;

g) development of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of drug rehabilitation centers (departments), as well as non-medical rehabilitation organizations;

h ) improving the methods of medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts;

i) the formation of legal frameworks that ensure the use of the potential of traditional religious denominations , non-governmental and public organizations in the state system of rehabilitation assistance;

j) the introduction of a system of state control over the activities of non-medical rehabilitation institutions, regardless of their organizational and legal form;

k) formation of an effective mechanism of state support of scientific research in the field of rehabilitation of drug addicts, the development and implementation of innovative programs for the rehabilitation and reintegration of drug addicts;

l) formation of a system of informing the population about the spectrum of rehabilitation services provided at the state, regional and municipal levels;

m ) the creation of mechanisms for motivating people who allow non-medical use of drugs to participate in rehabilitation programs;

n) creation of mechanisms for purposeful work with the relatives of persons participating in rehabilitation programs, ensuring the formation of a socially positive environment of the people being rehabilitated;

o ) development of mechanisms for state support of institutions ensuring social and labor reintegration of participants in rehabilitation programs.

37. The main activity for the development of medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts is the preparation of a program for the development of medical and social rehabilitation, under which it is planned to introduce low-cost technologies and hospital -replacing forms of rehabilitation assistance, including the organization of medical-labor workshops, as well as equip them with equipment for the provision of advisory, diagnostic and restorative medical care.

V. The main directions of development

international cooperation

38. The strategic objectives of the international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of control over drug trafficking are:

a) the use of mechanisms for multilateral and bilateral cooperation with foreign states, regional and international organizations, including the expansion of the necessary legal framework;

b) strengthening the existing system of international control over drug trafficking on the basis of relevant UN conventions, Security Council resolutions, decisions of the General Assembly and other bodies of the UN system.

39. Achieving these goals ensures the deployment of an effective system of international anti-drug cooperation of the Russian Federation as a mechanism for coordinating the efforts of all participants in the fight against drug trafficking.

40. The priority areas of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of control over drug trafficking are:

a) implementation of countering the global drug threat , taking into account the principled position of the Russian Federation on the central coordinating role of the UN and its Security Council in the fight against new challenges and threats in this area;

b) concentrating the main efforts on combating smuggling of opiates and cannabinoids from Afghanistan and Central Asian countries into the Russian Federation ;

c) increasing the role of Russia in providing technical assistance to Afghanistan and other countries of Western and Central Asia in countering the Afghan drug threat ;

d) conducting purposeful work on forecasting and eliminating threats to the national security of the Russian Federation from other types of drugs, including synthetic ones;

e ) development of regional cooperation in the field of drug control using the potential of such international organizations and structures as the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism and others, including in the context of strengthening the "belts" of anti-drug and financial security around Afghanistan;

f) comprehensive study of the problems associated with drug control, including the reduction of supply and demand for them, and the development of joint measures to solve these problems in contacts with the G8, primarily with representatives of the United States, the European Union, NATO, and at relevant sites in the Asia-Pacific, Africa, Latin and North America.

VI. Organizational, legal and resource support

anti-drug activities in the Russian Federation.

The mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the Strategy

41. Improvement of the organizational, legal and resource support of anti-drug activities in the Russian Federation is carried out in order to improve the level of coordination of anti-drug subjects and the quality of their work in combating drug trafficking in the Russian Federation, preventing non-medical use of drugs, treating and rehabilitating people who consume drugs. drugs.

42. Improving the organizational support of anti-drug activities will contribute to:

a) the creation of a state system for monitoring the drug situation in the Russian Federation;

b) the development and implementation of federal and regional targeted programs in the field of combating drug abuse and illicit trafficking;

c) enhancing the role of anti-drug commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with regard to the legislative consolidation of the mandatory execution of commission decisions for territorial bodies of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments;

d) the division of powers between the federal bodies of state power, the bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation and the bodies of local self-government regarding the organization and implementation of measures aimed at preventing non-medical use of drugs and drug -related crime , as well as anti - drug propaganda;

e ) the creation of a mechanism for the interaction of law enforcement and other government agencies with citizens and civil society institutions on countering non-medical use and the illicit distribution of drugs;

f) the creation of a state research center with a system of branches in federal districts, operating on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach and promoting advanced global methods of anti-drug policy.

43. Improving the regulatory framework for anti-drug activities includes:

a) improving the legislation of the Russian Federation on the main strategic directions of the state anti-drug policy;

b) improving the criminal law of the Russian Federation in terms of harmonizing dispositional structures with criminal penalties depending on the severity of the crimes committed, wider use of administrative prejudice , ensuring the flexibility of the punishment system, providing for the differentiation of responsibility; 

c) the introduction into the legislation of the Russian Federation of norms granting defendants, drug addicts and convicted of minor or moderate crimes related to the illicit drug trafficking and their precursors , the choice between treatment and criminal punishment, as well as establishing a mechanism for monitoring the the category of persons with the obligations of treatment and the responsibility for their failure;

d) ensuring the administrative and legal regulation of the activities of legal entities and individuals, whose actions can create conditions conducive to the spread of non-medical drug use, especially in risk groups;

e ) introduction of amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation, providing the possibility of including issues of the activities of local governments in the field of prevention of non-medical drug use and anti - drug propaganda in the list of issues of local importance;

f) improvement of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of information and informatization with regard to the development of mechanisms that impede the promotion of drug use, as well as allowing more active use of the mass media in promoting healthy lifestyles;

g) adoption of measures stimulating the development of the international legal framework for cooperation, improvement and harmonization of the national legislations of the states participating in anti-drug activities;

h ) the creation of legislative and legal conditions to ensure the holding of anti - drug propaganda and prevention in the media;

i) legal regulation of the activities of non-medical organizations of various forms of ownership, individuals in the field of prevention of non-medical drug use and rehabilitation of drug addicts.

44. The system of strategic planning documents (state programs in the field of preventing non-medical use of drugs and countering their illicit trafficking, plans for implementing the Strategy, regional target and integrated programs) is developed by the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Anti-Drug Committee, the interested federal authorities authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation II, legislative acts of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. 

45. The information basis for the implementation of the Strategy is intended to ensure the creation of a single interdepartmental databank of interested federal government agencies that contains information that allows for timely response to changes in the drug situation in the Russian Federation, to make informed operational decisions.

46. Control over the implementation of the Strategy is carried out by the State Anti-Drug Committee, and the results of the monitoring are reflected in the annual report to the President of the Russian Federation on the activities of the State Anti-Drug Committee.

The implementation of the Strategy at the federal level is carried out according to a plan of relevant measures.

The State Anti-Drug Committee at its meetings hears officials of the federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the action plan for the implementation of the Strategy.

The implementation of the Strategy at the regional and municipal levels is carried out in the form of anti-drug programs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and anti-drug plans of local authorities.

Expected results and risks

47. Expected results of the Strategy implementation:

a) a significant reduction in drug supply and demand;

b) a significant reduction in the effects of illicit drug trafficking;

c) the creation and functioning of the state system for monitoring the drug situation in the Russian Federation;

d) creation and functioning of the state system for the prevention of non-medical use of drugs;

e ) modern system of treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts;

f) strategic plans to curb the illicit distribution of drugs and their precursors both at the federal level and in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

g) an effective system of measures to counter drug trafficking on the territory of the Russian Federation;

h ) reliable government control over the legal trafficking of drugs and their precursors ;

i) organizational, regulatory and resource support for anti-drug activities.

48. Managed risks: reducing the level of development and protection of the state border of the Russian Federation; reduction in the number of specialized narcological medical institutions and the number of psychiatrists, narcologists, psychologists, social workers; reduction in the availability, quality and effectiveness of measures for the prevention of non-medical drug use, treatment and rehabilitation of people who use drugs.

Partially manageable risks: the formation in the society of a tolerant attitude towards the illegal consumption of drugs, the discrediting of the activities of the federal bodies of state power and the bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation engaged in countering the illicit drug trafficking; strengthening attempts to legalize substitution therapy using narcotic drugs and promoting drug use under the pretext of syringe replacement programs; an increase in the number of people involved in illicit drug use.

Uncontrollable risks: an increase in crime (including international ) in the sphere of illicit drug trafficking and their precursors with the emergence of new channels of smuggling; increasing the level of illegal migration; the appearance of new illegal trafficking in narcotic drugs and possessing narcogene potential psychotropic substances.

Countermeasures: improvement of anti-drug activities based on an assessment of the nature, extent and impact of adverse factors on the achievement of the overall goal and the solution of the Strategy objectives.

Final provisions

49. The strategy is designed for the period 2010 - 2020.

The implementation of measures envisaged by the Strategy is ensured by consolidating the efforts and resources of the whole society, government bodies of all levels, public associations and citizens.

To solve the tasks set by the Strategy, it is envisaged to ensure a consistent and stable increase in expenditures on government support for anti-drug activities in all areas.

50. Financing of expenses for state support of anti-drug activities is carried out at the expense of allocations from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets and other sources of financing not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


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