National Action Strategy of the Russian Federation in the interests of children for 2012–2017


(approved by Presidential Decree of June 1, 2012 N 761)  

I. Introduction  

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, children have the right to special care and assistance. The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees state support for the family, motherhood and childhood. By signing the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international instruments in the field of ensuring the rights of children, the Russian Federation expressed its commitment to participate in the efforts of the world community to create an environment that is comfortable and friendly for the lives of children.  

In the Russian Federation, the National Action Plan for Children was adopted in 1995 and is designed for the period up to 2000. Within the framework of the next stage of the socio-economic development of the country, the development and adoption of a new document - the National Action Strategy for Children for 2012-2017 (hereinafter - the National Strategy) is relevant.  

The main goal of the National Strategy is to identify the main directions and objectives of the state policy in the interests of children and key mechanisms for its implementation, based on generally accepted principles and norms of international law.  

In the past decade, ensuring a safe and secure childhood has become one of Russia's main national priorities. In the messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, tasks were set for the development of modern and effective state policy in the field of childhood. The problems of childhood and the ways to solve them are reflected in the Concept of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, the Concept of the demographic policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025.  

The implementation of priority national projects "Health" and "Education", federal targeted programs. A number of important legislative acts have been adopted aimed at preventing the most serious threats to the implementation of the rights of children. New state and public institutions have been created: the position of the Plenipotentiary at the President of the Russian Federation on the rights of the child has been established, the institution of the ombudsman for the rights of the child has been established in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the Fund has been established to support children in difficult situations. The amount of financing social expenditures from the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has increased, new measures of social support for families with children have been taken. For the first time in Russia, a large-scale nationwide information campaign was conducted to counter child abuse, a single helpline number was put into practice.  

As a result of the measures taken, positive trends of increasing the birth rate and reducing child mortality, improving the socio-economic situation of families with children, increasing the availability of education and medical care for children, increasing the number of children in families left without parental care have been noted.  

However, the problems associated with the creation of a comfortable and friendly environment for children, remain acute and far from a final solution. The reduction in the number of children’s population continues, and a significant part of children of preschool age and students in general education institutions are found to have various diseases and functional deviations.  

According to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the number of identified violations of children's rights is not reduced. In 2011, more than 93 thousand children were victims of crime. The number of disabled children, orphans and children left without parental care is declining at low rates. The problems of adolescent alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse are acute: almost a quarter of crimes are committed by juveniles intoxicated.  

The development of high technologies, the openness of the country to the world community have led to the vulnerability of children from illegal content in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter, the "Internet" network), exacerbated problems related to the sale of children, child pornography and prostitution. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the number of sites containing materials with child pornography has increased by almost a third, and the number of Internet materials themselves - by 25 times. A significant number of suicide sites are available to teens at any time.  

According to Rosstat, in 2010 the proportion of low-income among children under the age of 16 years exceeded the average Russian level of poverty. In the most vulnerable situation are children aged one and a half to three years, children from large and single-parent families and children of unemployed parents.  

The scale and urgency of the existing problems in the sphere of childhood, the emerging new challenges, the interests of the future of the country and its security urgently demand that the state authorities of the Russian Federation, local governments, civil society

The prevalence of family distress, child abuse and all forms of violence against children.  

The low effectiveness of prevention work with dysfunctional families and children, the prevalence of the practice of deprivation of parental rights and social orphanhood.  

Inequality between the subjects of the Russian Federation regarding the volume and quality of available services for children and their families.  

Social exclusion of vulnerable categories of children (orphans and children left without parental care, children with disabilities and children in a socially dangerous position).  

The growth of new risks associated with the dissemination of information that is dangerous for children.  

The lack of effective mechanisms to ensure the participation of children in public life, in addressing issues that affect them directly.  

2. Key principles of the National Strategy  

Realization of the fundamental right of each child to live and grow up in a family. In the Russian Federation, conditions must be created to ensure the observance of the rights and legitimate interests of the child in the family, the timely detection of their violations and the organization of preventive care for the family and the child, the provision of targeted support to families in need of it with children in difficult life situations, and if necessary measures to arrange for children left without parental care to be brought up in families of citizens.  

Protecting the rights of each child. In the Russian Federation, a system should be established that ensures response to the violation of the rights of each child without any discrimination, including the diagnosis of the situation, planning and taking the necessary set of measures to ensure the observance of the rights of the child and the restoration of the rights violated; legal education; provision of rehabilitation assistance to every child who has been the victim of abuse or criminal abuse.  

Maximum realization of the potential of each child. In the Russian Federation, conditions must be created for the formation of a decent life perspective for each child, his education, upbringing and socialization, the maximum possible self-realization in socially positive activities.  

Saving the health of each child. In the Russian Federation, measures should be taken to develop a family and children’s need for a healthy lifestyle, universal early prevention of morbidity, introduction of health-saving technologies in all areas of a child’s life, and provision of qualified medical care in all situations.  

Technology assistance, focused on the development of domestic family resources, meeting the needs of the child and implemented with the support of the state. In the Russian Federation, it is necessary to introduce more widely effective technologies of social work, which require relying on their own activity of people, giving them the opportunity to participate in solving their problems along with specialists, searching for non-standard economic solutions.  

Special attention to vulnerable children. In the Russian Federation, in all cases, special and sufficient attention should be paid to children belonging to vulnerable categories. It is necessary to develop and introduce forms of work with such children, which allow overcoming their social exclusion and promoting rehabilitation and full integration into society.  

Ensuring professionalism and high qualifications when working with each child and his family. In the Russian Federation, the formation and implementation of a policy in the field of childhood should be based on the use of the latest achievements of science and modern technologies, including in the social sphere. It is necessary to provide conditions for high-quality training and regular professional development of personnel in all sectors, one way or another related to working with children and their families.  

Partnership in the name of the child. In the Russian Federation, the childhood policy should be based on social partnership technologies, social and professional expertise, implemented with the participation of the business community, by involving civil society organizations and international partners in solving urgent problems related to ensuring and protecting the rights and interests of children. It is necessary to take measures aimed at creating an open market of social services, creating a system of public control in the field of ensuring and protecting the rights of children.  

* * *  

The national strategy was developed for the period until 2017 and is designed to ensure the achievement of existing international standards in the field of the rights of the child, the formation of a unified approach of the state authorities of the Russian Federation, local governments, civil society institutions and citizens to the definition of goals, objectives, activities and priority measures to address the most pressing problems of childhood.

The national strategy was developed taking into account the Council of Europe Strategy for the Protection of the Rights of the Child for 2012–2015, which includes the following main objectives: to facilitate the emergence of child-friendly services and systems; the elimination of all forms of violence against children; guaranteeing the rights of children in situations where children are particularly vulnerable.  

Participation in the implementation of the provisions of the said Strategy of the Council of Europe, relevant international treaties in the field of ensuring and protecting the rights of children and improving Russian legislation in accordance with generally accepted principles and norms of international law will harmonize the activities of Russia in protecting the rights and interests of children with the activities of the world community, will contribute to the dissemination in the territory of the Russian Federation of positive experience of European countries and the promotion of innovative Russian experience on the world stage, protecting the rights and interests of Russian children anywhere in the world.  

The implementation of the National Strategy provides for the following main areas: family policy of child conservation; availability of high-quality education and training, cultural development and information security of children; child-friendly health care and a healthy lifestyle; equal opportunities for children in need of special care of the state; creating a system to protect and safeguard the rights and interests of children and child-friendly justice; children are participants in the implementation of the National Strategy.  


II. Family policy of child saving  

1. A brief analysis of the situation  

Despite the birth rate observed in recent years, the number of children under the age of 17 has decreased over 10 years from 31.6 million in 2002 to 25 million in 2011.  

For large and incomplete families characterized by the maximum risk of poverty. The demand for affordable goods and services for children is not sufficiently satisfied.  

The transformation of the family institution is accompanied by a high level of social ill-being in families, which is associated with drunkenness and alcoholism, drug addiction, degradation of family and social values, and social orphanhood. In cases of late identification and failure to provide effective preventive care to families with children at the early stages, deprivation and restriction of parental rights (57.4 thousand parents in 2011) become basic measures to protect the rights of the child.  

Child abuse is unacceptably widespread, including physical, emotional, sexual abuse of children, and disregard for their basic needs.  

2. Primary Tasks  

Reducing poverty among families with children and ensuring a minimum guaranteed income.  

Improving the availability and quality of social services for families with children based on international standards of child rights and Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on the rights of children and social services friendly to children and families.  

Provision for all children of a safe and comfortable family environment, in which the rights of the child are respected and any forms of abuse with him are excluded.  

Ensuring the prevention of family problems based on its early detection, individualized adequate assistance to the family in a difficult life situation, provided on an interdepartmental basis, the priority of raising a child in his own family.  

3. Priority measures  

Development and adoption of a federal law defining the foundations of state family policy.  

Developing and approving standards for minimum guarantees of access to income and social services that determine the main indicators of the quality of life of children, including the minimum guaranteed income, guaranteed social housing, family rest and food quality.  

Monitoring of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of child protection, including clarification and streamlining of the legal content of the concepts “children in difficult life situations”, children and families in a socially dangerous position, “children” states that need help "children without parental care" child abuse and cruelty.  

Formation of a legislative base for reforming the organization of the work of the guardianship and guardianship agencies to protect the rights of children.  

Improving the legal mechanisms to ensure the participation of both parents in raising a child during separation.

Optimization of the authorities of state bodies for the protection of children's rights, normative consolidation of the order of interdepartmental cooperation to prevent family distress, social orphanhood, protect the rights and legitimate interests of children.  

Promotion of the implementation in the regions of the Russian Federation of a global initiative of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Child Friendly Cities.  

Creation and dissemination of information on the rights of the child, adapted for children, parents, teachers, professionals working with children and for the benefit of children, through the media, the network "Internet", organizations and institutions for children.  

Modernization of state statistical monitoring in the field of protection of the family, motherhood and childhood.  

Formation of a monitoring and statistical accounting system for assessing the effectiveness of family and social policies in the field of motherhood and childhood.  

4. Measures aimed at reducing poverty among families with children  

Development and adoption of minimum state guarantees in the field of income and social services that determine the main indicators of the quality of life of families with children.  

Improving the tax deduction system for families with children.  

Development of measures to ensure the regular payment of alimony, sufficient for the maintenance of children, including through the creation of the state alimony fund.  

Development and adoption of the Strategy for the development of the industry of children's goods for the period up to 2020 and the plan of measures for its implementation in the format of the federal target program; making appropriate changes to the regulatory legal framework.  

5. Measures aimed at creating a safe and comfortable family environment for children  

Developing and adopting a program that promotes family values, the priority of responsible parenthood, protected childhood, intolerance to all forms of violence and corporal punishment against children through the media, the education system, social protection, health care and culture.  

Developing and enforcing standards for the provision of specialized preventive services for the prevention of child abuse, overcoming family problems and social orphanhood, and rehabilitation assistance for children (their families) affected by abuse.  

Ensuring the introduction and dissemination of modern technologies of preventive and rehabilitation work with families and children.  

Development of measures to implement the Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on policies to support positive parenthood.  

Increasing the availability of services for families with children due to the active development and support of the sector of specialized non-profit organizations.  

Continuation of a nationwide information campaign to combat child abuse.  

Formation of effective mechanisms for the early detection of ill-treatment and violence against a child, the social distress of families with children and the provision of assistance with the participation of educational, health and social services, including the consolidation of inter-agency cooperation in the protection of children's rights.

Formation of a full-fledged system of training and advanced training of specialists working with children and in the interests of children.  

Organization of the dissemination and implementation of best practices in the field of prevention of child abuse and rehabilitation of victims.  

6. Measures aimed at preventing the removal of the child from the family, social orphanhood  

Organization on an interdepartmental basis of the system of early detection of social disadvantage of families with children and complex work with them to prevent the family from disintegrating and depriving parents of parental rights (with the participation of social protection agencies, education, health care, employment services, juvenile affairs and protection commissions their rights, guardianship and trusteeship bodies) with proper coordination of the activities of all services in the field of family rehabilitation.  

Ensuring the unhindered access of families with children to essential social services, including through the development of social support services for families at risk, local social services, mobile teams, crisis centers for children affected by abuse, and crisis centers for mothers with children in order to work with them to prevent child abandonment.  

Ensuring the widespread introduction of effective technologies for the rehabilitation of socially disadvantaged families with children.

Introduction of a system for the prevention of refusals of children at birth and (or) placement in medical institutions, especially in cases of the development of a child with developmental disorders and minor mothers.  

Introduction of a ban on the removal of children from families without prior social rehabilitation work, including the possibility of replacing deprivation of parental rights with restriction of parental rights with the organization of rehabilitation work with families during this period.  

7. Expected Results  

Reducing poverty, income shortages for families with children and eliminating extreme forms of poverty.  

Elimination of the shortage of services provided by preschool educational institutions.  

Reducing the proportion of children who do not receive child support in full.  

Reducing the number of families in a socially dangerous position.  

Formation in society of the values ​​of family, child, responsible parenthood.  

Improving the quality of services for families with children in difficult life situations.  

Creating effective mechanisms to reduce cases of deprivation of parental rights, identify families at risk, their social support and rehabilitation, reduce the number of cases of child abuse in families.  


Reducing the number of children left without parental care.  

III. Availability of quality education and training, cultural development and information security of children  

1. A brief analysis of the situation  

The main problem of the availability of pre-school education for all categories of children is the lack of places in pre-school educational institutions. In order to increase the availability of pre-school education for the population, it is necessary to develop all forms of pre-school education, such as a family kindergarten, an early help service, a library, children's play support centers and others, as well as the development of the non-state sector.  

The priority in this area is to improve the quality of pre-school education in order to ensure equal starting opportunities for teaching children in primary school. At the stage of preschool education, the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for the family and raising the competence of parents in matters of the upbringing and development of the child are very important.  

Ensuring the rights of citizens and state guarantees for obtaining accessible and high-quality free general education is one of the basic principles of state education policy. In order to implement the system tasks set in the framework of the national educational initiative "Our new school", the Government of the Russian Federation approved an action plan for the modernization of general education for 2011-2015. As part of this initiative, special attention is paid to ensuring the quality of general education. There will be a serious update of the school’s programs and methods, the elimination of the artificial differentiation of schools according to the quality of education. New federal state educational standards should ensure that each senior pupil has access to several training profiles that correspond to his inclinations and life plans.  

The All-Russian system of education quality assessment is based on the principles of coverage of all levels of general education by the procedures for assessing the quality of education, participation in building this system (in terms of general education) of education authorities of all levels (federal, regional and municipal) and educational institutions directly .  

Thus, the created all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education is designed to ensure the unity of requirements for graduates' preparedness, objectivity in assessing students ’achievements, continuity between different levels of general education, the ability to use quality assessment results to make the necessary management decisions.  

Continuing to improve the conduct of the unified state exam, monitoring of compliance with the established procedure for examinations, strengthened the quality of public awareness about the organization and the results of the examinations. First of all, this concerns the public observation system, which, since 2011, has been introduced on a legislative basis. Currently, the development of possible mechanisms for improving the existing models of a unified state exam through the development of information and communication technologies is under way. Thus, in 2012, it is planned to introduce an electronic testing system at the exam in computer science and information and communication technologies, and at the exam in a foreign language - an oral component, as stipulated by the federal component of the state educational standard. It is supposed to take into account the experience of testing similar forms of examinations in these subjects in the course of the experiment on the introduction of a unified state

At the same time, problems continue to grow, due to the unresolved nature of which the rights and interests of children in the education system are largely unrealized. These problems are:  

lack of places in pre-school educational institutions, low quality of pre-school education;  

differentiation in the access of certain categories of children to quality basic and additional education;  

lagging behind the modern needs of society, the quality of education as a holistic process of teaching and raising children, poor management of this process and poor control over the quality of educational services;  

the inconsistency of the modern system of ensuring the information security of children to new risks associated with the development of the "Internet" network and information technology, increasing illegal content.  

The low level of ethical, civil-patriotic, cultural and aesthetic development of various categories of children leads to inter-ethnic and inter-religious tensions, xenophobia, discriminatory behavior of children and adolescents, aggressiveness, harassment of their peers and other asocial manifestations among teenagers.  


2. Primary Tasks  

Ensuring the availability of quality preschool education, expanding the variability of its forms.  

Realization of the rights of children of various categories to receive free and high-quality general education based on the modernization of general education in full compliance with the requirements of federal state educational standards.  

Protection of the educational rights of children belonging to national and ethnic groups living in the extreme conditions of the regions of the Far North and equated localities.  

Creating an all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education, ensuring the unity of requirements for graduates' preparedness, objectivity in assessing students ’achievements and the quality of educational work of educational institutions, continuity between different levels of general education, the ability to use the results of quality assessment to make the necessary management decisions.  

Providing conditions for the identification and development of talented children and children with hidden talents, regardless of the sphere of giftedness, place of residence and social and property status of their families.  

Formation of a new social-state system for the upbringing of children, ensuring their socialization, a high level of citizenship, patriotism, tolerance, law-abiding behavior.  

Development of a system of additional educational services free of charge, infrastructure of creative development and education of children.  

Government support for the development of children's libraries, literature, film and television for children.  

Organization of prevention of interethnic, interfaith and social property tensions in the educational environment in accordance with modern challenges.  

Ensuring information security of childhood through the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of protecting children from information harmful to their health and development.  

3. Measures aimed at ensuring the availability and quality of education  

Providing state support for the construction of new pre-school educational institutions, as well as the development of all forms of pre-school education, such as a family kindergarten, an early help service, a library, children's play support centers and others, including the non-state sector.  

Ensuring the development of abilities of each student of a mass school, accessibility for each high school student to select learning profiles that correspond to his inclinations and life plans.

Legislative consolidation of legal mechanisms for the realization of the right of children with disabilities and children with disabilities to be included in the existing educational environment at the level of pre-school, general and vocational education (the right to inclusive education).  

Ensuring the realization of guarantees of the availability of quality education for orphans and children left without parental care, and their support at all levels of education.  

Creating conditions for the development of various regional variants of a multicultural model of pre-school and general education, ensuring the formation of Russian civic identity.  

Continuing the introduction of electronic, oral and other forms of assessing students' knowledge, as well as expanding the content of testing as part of improving the existing models of the unified state exam and state final certification.  

Introduction of modern control technologies, including public observation, over the observance of the established procedure for exams and raising the quality of public awareness about the organization and results of exams using information and communication technologies.  

Ensuring the provision of high-quality psychological and correctional-pedagogical assistance to children in educational institutions.  

Ensuring the development of exemplary programs that define a single substantive basis for the training of educational psychologists, as well as detailed legal regulation of the provision of psychological assistance to children by educational psychologists.  

Creating a system of psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the pedagogical competence of parents, psychological support for the development of the child in a family and educational institution.  


4. Measures aimed at finding and supporting talented children and youth  

Providing a legal framework for special educational needs of gifted children; support and development of educational institutions specializing in work with gifted children.  

GUARANTOR: See A model methodology for determining the standard of per capita funding for psychological and pedagogical support of the development (education) of talented children in general education institutions implementing educational programs for primary general, basic general and secondary general education of various kinds, sent by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 25, 2012 N IB-908/02  

Creating a national resource center for working with gifted children in order to ensure the development of methodology and methods for diagnosis, development, training, and psychological and pedagogical support of gifted children for use in mainstream schools and in specialized schools for gifted children.  

Creating a system of special training and retraining of psychological and pedagogical personnel to work with gifted children, as well as to work with their parents (legal representatives).  

Providing information support for state policy to assist talented children and young people.  

5. Measures aimed at the development of the upbringing and socialization of children  

Development of a nationwide strategy for the development of education as the basis for the implementation of public policy.  

Ensuring the development of the scientific foundations of education and socialization of the younger generations.

The introduction of modern programs of civil-patriotic education aimed at the formation of Russian civic identity, culture of tolerance, social competence in the field of ethnic and interfaith interaction, readiness to defend the Fatherland and a positive attitude of young people to serve in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.   

Regulatory regulation of resource provision of educational activities (material, technical, financial, personnel, information and methodological) and organization of control over the conditions created in educational institutions for the upbringing and socialization of children.  

Ensuring the implementation of comprehensive prevention of negative phenomena in the children's environment; updating the forms and methods of combating child neglect, drug addiction, alcoholism, crime, prostitution; development of effective mechanisms for the prevention of deviant behavior in children.  

Implementation of effective mechanisms for cooperation between education authorities, civil society, representatives of various faiths, the media, parent communities in the field of education and socialization of children.  

6. Measures aimed at the development of the system of additional education, infrastructure of creative development and parenting  

Development and implementation of federal requirements for educational programs of additional education and sports and leisure activities.  

Development of a regulatory framework for the introduction of personal certificates for children to receive guaranteed free services of additional education, sports and leisure services at the place of residence.  

Providing support to museum institutions, art schools that implement artistic and aesthetic programs for preschool children and children enrolled in general education institutions, including disabled children, orphans and children left without parental care.  

Expansion of the network of children's and youthful creative associations, clubs in the community, work and rest camps, other forms of initiative of children and teenagers; development of various forms of tourism and local history; attracting adolescents to various types of socially useful and personally significant activities.  

Providing state support to existing and emerging new television channels and programs for children, teenagers, children's theaters, film and television studios.  

Formation of the state order for publishing, film and computer products.  

Provision of state support to public electronic libraries, museum, theater and other online resources for children and teenagers.  

Implementation of a system of measures for the preservation and development of specialized children's libraries.  

Provision of state support for the development and implementation of comprehensive intersectoral programs, as well as nationwide actions for the development of children's reading and literature for children; organizing open competitions for the creation of literary works for children.  

Organization of a system for improving the professional competence of teachers in the field of additional education for children.  

Bringing the remuneration of teachers of institutions of additional education for children, including teachers in the system of cultural institutions, to a level not lower than the average for teachers in the region.  

7. Measures aimed at ensuring the information security of childhood  

Creation and implementation of programs for teaching children and adolescents the rules of safe behavior in the Internet space, prevention of Internet addiction, prevention of risks of involvement in illegal activities, pornography, participation in flash mobs.  

Creation of legal mechanisms for blocking information channels for penetrating through the mass media into elements of the criminal psychology, the cult of violence, other overt antisocial tendencies and paraphernalia corresponding to them through the children's and adolescent environment.

Implementation of a monitoring system on issues of ensuring the safety of the educational environment of educational institutions, as well as on scientific, methodological and regulatory support of compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the use of information and computer tools in children's education.  

Creating public mechanisms for the examination of Internet content for children.  

Creating portals and websites that accumulate information about the best resources for children and parents; encouraging parents to use the & quot; Parental Control & quot; service, which allows you to set access restrictions to the & quot; Internet & quot; network.  

8. Expected Results  

Ensuring universal access to pre-school education for all categories of children, increasing the flexibility and variety of forms of providing pre-school services based on the implementation of existing (main) and new (additional) forms of their financing and organization.  

Organization of training and education of children studying in educational institutions, in accordance with the requirements of the new federal state educational standards; development of material and technical base of educational institutions, including the use of modern information and computer technologies.  

Expanding the possibilities of teaching children with disabilities in general education institutions.  

Expanding the variability of programs designed for children with different levels, types and forms of manifestation of abilities, including individualized development programs (for children with special talent).  

Improving the rating of Russian schoolchildren in international assessments of the quality of education.  

Increased satisfaction of students and their parents with the conditions for the upbringing, training and development of children in educational institutions.  

An increase in the number of children and adolescents involved in various forms of extracurricular activities.  

The increase in the proportion of schoolchildren involved in the development of additional educational programs, including at least 60 percent - free of charge.  

Widespread accessibility for children of various types of socio-psychological, educational assistance and support in difficult situations.  

An increase in the number of children demonstrating an active life position, independence and creative initiative in creative activities, a responsible attitude towards life and the environment, and committed to positive moral and aesthetic values.  

Reducing the number of children and adolescents with asocial behavior.  

Stimulation of children's interest in the historical and cultural heritage of Russia, the diversity of cultures of different nationalities and ethnic groups, religions.  

Increasing the variability of additional education programs implemented by museums and cultural centers.  

The increase in attendance at children's libraries, museums, cultural centers, theaters.  

Creating a reliable system for protecting children from illegal content in the educational environment of the school and at home.  

Reducing the number of children affected by illegal content in the Internet environment.  

IV. Child friendly health and a healthy lifestyle

1. A brief analysis of the situation  

At the beginning of 2011, in 37 regions of the Russian Federation, infant mortality rates were higher than the average for the Russian Federation, only in 22 regions did perinatal centers work. In a number of subjects of the Russian Federation, regional targeted programs for the protection and promotion of children's health are not sufficiently financially secured; medical and social assistance for pregnant and nursing mothers, the clinical examination and immunization of children are improperly organized; free medical services guaranteed by the state are illegally replaced by paid medical services; provision of medicines and food in health care institutions is not well established; The rights of students in educational institutions to protect and promote health are not respected.  

Adolescents aged 10 to 18 years are often out of sufficient attention from the state. The difficulties that they face in this difficult age period sometimes lead to the most tragic consequences. In terms of suicide prevalence among adolescents, Russia occupies one of the leading places in the world, the death rate of children is significantly higher than in other European countries. Problems of adolescent alcoholism require special attention, including "beer alcoholism", drug addiction and substance abuse, non-medical consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic and other toxic substances by children, especially of school age.  

2. Main tasks  

Creating conditions for the healthy development of each child from birth, ensuring access of all categories of children to quality services and standards of the health care system, means of treating diseases and restoring health.  

The development of adolescent medicine, clinics friendly to children and young people, stimulating the need for a healthy lifestyle.  

Providing appropriate comprehensive services and standards in the field of health care for children with special needs.  

Formation of a modern model of recreation and recreation for children on the principles of public-private partnership.  

Formation of the need for children and adolescents in healthy nutrition and the improvement of the system of providing high-quality nutrition to children in educational institutions, medical and health care, sanatorium-resort and rehabilitation institutions.  

3. Measures to create child-friendly health care  

Improving regulatory support in the field of child health, medical care for women and children.  

Implementation of effective organizational and medical technologies based on modern procedures and standards of medical care for children.  

Creating a service to support and support pregnant women who find themselves in a difficult life situation, to prevent abandonment of the child.  

Providing legal and psychological support for pregnant women in antenatal clinics and maternity homes.  

Completion of the creation of modern perinatal centers in all subjects of the Russian Federation.  

Implementation of a set of measures aimed at reducing infant and child mortality.  

Improving the system of monitoring children in their first year of life in outpatient clinics in order to identify children at risk of motor, speech and cognitive developmental delays and to provide them with timely medical assistance.  

Ensuring the possibility of emergency transportation of sick children from hard-to-reach areas and organizing access of doctors to such areas for preventive work with children.  

Providing maternity homes and perinatal centers with necessary reagents and reagents for screening diagnostics.

Ensuring widespread examination of children for hereditary diseases, including genetic examination of children in organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, with provision of relevant information to candidates for guardians and adoptive parents.  

Development of technologies for complex diagnostics and early medical and social assistance to children with developmental and health disorders, as well as providing necessary assistance to their families.  


Implementation of the necessary organizational measures to ensure the presence of parents (legal representatives) next to the child receiving medical care in health care institutions.  

Ensuring a full production cycle in the Russian Federation of strategically necessary medicines and medical products for the treatment of children and adolescents.  

Studying the needs of children in obtaining all types of high-tech medical care and treatment, ensuring their provision to children in need, reducing the waiting time for such care and treatment.  

Creating a federal register of children with rare diseases and organizing targeted financing for treating such children from the budget allocations of the federal budget according to this register; acceleration of the decision to provide children with orphan diseases with special treatment, nutrition and rehabilitation equipment.  

Legislative consolidation of the possibility of co-financing the provision of high-tech medical care to children at the expense of the federal budget allocations and charitable donations.  

Ensuring the creation of a network of institutions (departments), services providing palliative medical care for children suffering from incurable diseases.  

Distribution of the annual mandatory medical examination of orphans and children left without parental care, brought up in organizations, to orphans and children left without parental care, being in family education.  

The development of adolescent medicine, the creation of youth counseling, centers for the protection of reproductive health of adolescents and centers for medical and social assistance to adolescents.  

Conduct educational work on the prevention of early pregnancy and abortion in minors.  

Creating crisis centers by type "little mom" to help minors pregnant and mothers with children.  

Support for successful projects in the regions to create clinics friendly to children and young people.  

Restoration of medical offices in educational institutions.  

Increasing the responsibility of medical personnel of medical institutions for poor quality medical care for children.

Consideration of the issue of the possibility of using the funds of the maternity capital to pay for the expensive treatment of a child, including conducting expensive operations both in Russia and abroad.  

Creation of mechanisms for financial support, including the Foundation for Children in Difficult Life Situations, non-state funds and organizations actively involved in financial support for treating children.  

4. Measures to develop a healthy lifestyle policy for children and adolescents  

Ensuring the implementation of a set of social advertising measures aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles, preventing suicidal behavior among minors, informing about the activities of support services and emergency psychological and social and legal assistance, including through the network "Internet", anonymous phone numbers counseling.  

Attracting institutions of civil society, developing the volunteer movement in order to solve the problems associated with the development of a healthy lifestyle for children and adolescents and receiving support and help in situations involving a risk of injury.  

The spread of health-saving technologies of training, technologies "school of health" to all educational institutions, including organizations for orphans and children left without parental care.  

Ensuring the availability of physical education, tourism and sports for all categories of children in accordance with their needs and opportunities with a focus on shaping the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle.  

The introduction of innovative health and physical culture and sports technologies in the work of educational institutions and organizations.  

Improving the effectiveness of measures aimed at preventing HIV infection and viral hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis, and improving the system to counteract the spread of these diseases among target groups of schoolchildren, youth and the most vulnerable groups of the population.  


Activation of health centers for children in the field of examination of children, their hygienic skills training and motivation to give up bad habits.  

Implementing hygiene education programs to enable children to make informed choices in matters of healthy lifestyles.  

Carry out monitoring according to the standard assessment of the quality of a child’s life, including emotional, communicative and psychosomatic components.  

Introduction of regular state monitoring of the main behavioral risks hazardous to the health of children and adolescents.  

Development of a system of measures to prevent teen suicide, including training psychologists in the health system to work with children and adolescents with suicidal tendencies, as well as organizing the conduct of preventive work with children, parents and the child’s social environment by psychological services of educational institutions.

Development of a program to counter the propaganda of youth suicides in the Internet environment.  

Restriction (up to a total ban) to hidden advertising of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, attracting the attention of children and adolescents.  

The introduction of new types of recreation and leisure for adolescents, excluding the tradition of smoking, drinking alcohol.  

Ensuring the cultural, healthy leisure of children and adolescents living in small towns and rural areas, including in the framework of the implementation of state target programs.  

Activation of work on the execution of relevant departmental regulations on the psychological testing of students in educational institutions for the consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic and other toxic substances.  

Amendments to federal legislation relating to the early detection of persons who allow non-medical use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances among students in general and vocational education institutions, as well as providing narcological assistance to minors with drug addiction, aged 16 to 18 years without their consent at the request or with the consent of their parents (legal representatives).  

5. Measures to form a modern model of recreation and recreation for children, based on the principles of public-private partnerships  

Creating a system at the federal level to coordinate the activities of relevant state bodies and organizations.  

Development of a system of measures to support and develop the infrastructure for recreation and health of children, including the regulatory financing of programs in this area.  

Development of a scheme for the interaction of sanatorium-resort institutions with rehabilitation centers in order to provide better services for disabled children and children with chronic diseases on vouchers "mother and child".  

Expansion of the network of sanatorium-resort institutions for joint stay of children with their parents (legal representatives).

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