эмблема.jpg The Coordination Council of the Heads of the Competent Authorities for Countering the Illicit Drug Trafficking of the CSTO Member States (CCBCD), designed to coordinate the interaction of the competent authorities of the CSTO member states in the anti-drug field, was established in accordance with the decision of the CSTO Collective Security Council of 23 June 2005. The same decision of the CSTO CSC approved the Regulations on the CCBCD.


In order to solve the tasks entrusted to it, the CCBCD performs the following main functions:

  • considers current issues related to the improvement and harmonization of national regulatory legal acts governing drug trafficking, as well as criminal, criminal procedure, operational-search and administrative legislation;
  • coordinates the work of the competent authorities in countering the illicit drug trafficking of the CSTO member states, interacts with the relevant bodies of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Organization of Central Asian Cooperation, other states;
  • develops proposals on matters within the competence of the relevant authorities of the CSTO member states, and submits them in the prescribed manner for consideration by the CSTO bodies;
  • considers the implementation of the decisions of the CSTO and contracts concluded within the framework of the CSTO, related to the competence of CCBCD, as well as its own decisions;
  • promotes the exchange of experience and information between the competent authorities of the CSTO member states and similar bodies in other countries;
  • considers issues of conducting joint research work on issues of mutual interest for the competent authorities;
  • considers issues of training and staff development for the units of the competent authorities and relevant educational institutions of the CSTO member states.